Monday, January 26, 2009

Nothing New

Casen acting silly during the ball game.
Shot of the bench!


Thought I should post since it has been a good bit since the last post. Nothing new to report, Jayden has started baseball and is going to play with the Rockhounds. I don't know much about them, haven't been to a practice to meet anyone. Jayden is just very excited that he is going to get to play in the outfield! Funny how that has changed in his little baseball career. In Little League no kids including Jayden ever want/wanted to play in the outfield, because no balls ever go there, or they very seldom do. As they get older that's where most of the action is!
Casen is going to be starting baseball soon too. One more weekend of tryouts at Orwall and then he's off and running again, seems like there has been kind of a lull in the action these days! Jayden's last basketball games are this weekend as the district tournament concludes the season. Sad to see it come to end, seems like he just started Jr. High, now we are already thinking high school. :(

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Basketball Tourney

My favorite shot, Jayden got the rebound and made a basket all in the same leap!
Running up the court!

Good defense!
Bringing the ball up the court against a full court press!
It has been a weekend of basketball games. Two on Friday and two on Saturday! The Knights lost their first game in the tournament on Friday night and then were in the losers bracket. But on Saturday they won both games that they played. Not sure what place that put us in but the boys recovered nicely. Jayden had about 5 points in each game, usually a three pointer and some free throws. Tomorrow we are having a gumbo party! No school on Monday, and two games to watch instead of only one.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Wax Museum

I wasn't at Jayden's basketball game last night, due to open house for the kids that I teach. Here are some pic's of some super cute, sweet kids that I love! The theme for the night was "Wax Museum", the kids studied a person of their choice for the past 4 weeks and then they became that person for open house. The kids did a great job, I only wish I could post all of their cute pics! Jayden has a tourney this weekend, we'll keep you posted!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Knox Loses 77-71

High scoring game but it is near impossible to win when you are playing 5 people against 7 people all on the court at one time. The loss is still very fresh less than an hour so I won't say anymore about it. Jayden had 5 points with more attempts this game so he is getting more confidence :) One good thing, Jayden had an entourage of fans there to watch him play ball! Uncle Dan, Paul & Anna Coffland, The Schuler family of 6, including mom and dad Schuler visiting from North Dakota. It was very nice to see so many familiar faces, especially ones that we have not seen since college days! A very fun night, with good company and lots of laughs.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

The boys playing at the fountains outside the Natural Museum of Science. In front of the fountains.
Neighbors, Clint, & Jayden playing Rockband Wii!
Cleaned out old VHS tapes, and Casen found a good hiding spot!
We hope everyone is enjoying the New Year! Jayden and Casen lit off tons of fireworks as we celebrated the new year. We have enjoyed having the past two weeks off and are not looking forward to returning back to work, but it is inevitable. :( It is time to get back into our busy routine with basketball games and preseason baseball workouts and anxiously await spring break!