Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Grandma & Grandpa watching The Masters! Dan, not sure why this turned out so dark?

Jayden doing a project that is due tomorrow!

Happy Easter to everyone! Hope that everyone is having a nice Easter holiday with good food, friends, and family! The Easter bunny did stop by and hide some eggs, left some swimming trunks and water guns! Over the weekend we have played Imagine-Iff, and watched a few movies. Jayden won the board game and sad to say that most of the movies were bad. Slum Dog Millionaire = Bad, 7 Pounds = Worse, Twilight=Terrible. Today on TV, FREE movie, we watched Maid of Honor and the girls say it was by far the best out of all the movies watched!
Baseball update, Casen's little league baseball team is still undefeated and plays again on Monday. Hopefully the luck doesn't turn south with Grandma and Grandpa watching! Jayden doesn't have anything until Saturday, his 7 on 7 football team is playing in the State Tourney, here in The Woodlands!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Flat Stanley

Casen and his best buddy Isiah with Flat Stanley! Casen and Flat Stanley playing Playstation!

Clint giving the speech after a victory!
Before going out to eat at Pei Wei Asian Diner, yum!
Casen was doing the Flat Stanley project this week. Second graders are reading the novel in school and Flat Stanley spent the week with us and we had to document it with pictures and nightly diary entries of his time here. Flat Stanley was at a lot of sporting events in his week with our family. Three seven on seven football games and 2 baseball games. Casen's baseball team is 6-0, yes undefeated so far. Tomorrow night we play the other undefeated team, I hope we win, it should be very exciting! Grandma and Grandpa Holden will be with us for Easter, we are looking forward to the company :)