Sunday, May 31, 2009

Four School Days Left

Not really much to blog about this weekend. The Rockhounds had a well needed weekend off, and Casen's all-star team had a few days off as well. There was a team BBQ and swim party, which was a lot of fun. This week and weekend are sure to be hectic though. Casen's tourney starts this weekend + Jayden has tourney. Casen has practice EVERY night this week! We will try to be two places at one time, Dan you may be needed to taxi! Down to the wire in school days FOUR to be exact, this is our last Sunday night of having to go to bed early for quite some time, we are all looking forward to summer vacation. Here are a few random shots of the boys.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Rockhounds Win AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

Red Sox World Series Runner-ups!!!!!!!!! Rockhounds Memorial Day Tourney Champions!

Champions Again!

Go Rockhounds, Omaha here we come!

Champions Two Weekends In A Row!
It was a weekend full of baseball. Three days of games, we didn't lose one in the three days but did tie two games! The Rockhounds played the best ball of the season, what a time of year to peak, right before the big Omaha tourney! There were 16 teams in this tourney and we won, everyone is hitting 1-10, and hardly any errors on defense(maybe one bad inning all weekend). Way to go Hounds, we are proud of you, excellent teamwork! Casen's all-star practices started as well, Clint is very pleased with the speed of this team everyone runs the base paths quickly, hasn't checked out the bats yet, maybe tonight!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

World Series Here We Come UPDATE

Casen getting his American League Championship medal! Introductions before the game.
American League Champions, Boston Red Sox!

Casens baseball team has won the American League division at Orwall. Tomorrow night they face off against the National League Champions, Cardinals, in the the World Series. Both teams have met previously and have each won one! Guaranteed to be a good game, hope my next post is titled ...World Series Champions! I need to mention that Casen is standing so awkward in the first picture because he got beamed in the shoulder, running to second base the last play of the game! Nothing a little ice didn't cure. Update: The Red Sox lost 13-9 :( Exciting game though, lots of spectators, great parents and kids! All-Stars here we come!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Baseball Wins Continue!

Casen after Jayden's game! Teacher appreciation week, 70 pounds of peanut M & M's!

Rockhounds 1st place this weekend!! (Jayden back row,2 in from left) Jayden with the 1st place trophy!

It was a HOT tourney this weekend, I know that it's only going to get even hotter! The Rockhounds finally get another first place in a tournament, enough with second place already! After trailing the entire game 6-2 they came back to win in the last inning, as we did in the other tourney that we won! Casen's team plays on Wednesday night in the end of the season double elimination tourney at Orwall. I hope that their winning streak continues! Swine flu, was an overrated flu, ALL schools are back in session, and no-one that we know caught it, thank goodness! Teacher appreciation week was last week. I have mounds of peanut M & M's as you can see in the picture. At school I have 4 vases of flowers, not bringing those home for the cats to try to eat and spill over. Very thankful for all of my teacher gifts most of all the 75 cans of diet coke, left most of that at school too!! UPDATE: Casen's baseball team won 19-9, they are on a roll, one more win to go before they are in the World Series!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Swine Flu & Baseball

Rockhounds getting their 2nd place trophies! In-between games!

With the shiny hardware!

After a BIG victory, congratulating Casen on a great game!
After the batting cages!

Swine flu... one Woodlands school is closed for the next week due to 3 cases of the flu in that school. There are no cases at my school, Clint's school, or the boys' school. One of the boys on Jayden's ball team tonight was joking saying he wanted to get the swine flu to be a hero, no school for the next week! It has already been announced that the students don't have to make up the days missed if that school closes due to the flu. He was on his way to Walmart to begin to lick shopping cart handles!
Baseball news, the boys are playing great baseball! The Rockhounds (Jaydens team) has made it to the championship game two weekends in a row. They have placed second both weeks, but have played some unbelievable talented teams. The teams they lost to are rated 1st and 3rd in the United States, due to playing such great teams, the Rockhounds are rated in the top 10!
Casen's team, the Red Sox, are on a roll as well. After having a perfect season a few weeks ago they stumbled a bit and lost two in a row. They are now back on track and have two victories in a row with only one more regular season game left to play. The Red Sox turned a double play today, pretty amazing for an 8 year old little league team! They got a guy out at second and someone was running from third to home, and Casen threw him out at the plate, they won 21-2.