Sunday, September 27, 2009

Casen's Birthday!

Blowing out 9 candles!

More of the state capital building in Austin!

I know that these are late in posting but better late than never! For Casen's birthday we went out to eat Casen's choice "Red Robin", movie, and a boat ride on the waterway. I do have more pictures on my camera phone, forgot the regular camera ugh, and unsure how to get them off of my phone! We did have one "cool day" here this week (70 degrees) was the high, now we are back into typical hot and humid days :( Looking forward to cooler weather. Casen had his first baseball game on Saturday, he is an Astro this fall season. The Astros won 7-1, a very good outing for the teams first game!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Quick Trip to Austin

Boys in front of state capital building Austin, Texas!
Looking down at offices in front of the capital building cool!
In front of underground offices in the above picture!

Boys in front of UT bookstore, famous UT clock tower behind them!

Beautiful shot of the state capital!

We had a quick trip to Austin, Texas this weekend! UT vs. Texas Tech football tickets were offered to us, and we didn't hesitate. There were only 2 tickets so Clint and Jayden went to the football game along with 101,000 other fans! Casen and I hung out at the hotel pool and watched the game on TV! We woke up on Sunday and went to the UT bookstore on 6th Street, capital building, and toured Austin a bit. Beautiful city, love the hills, was surprised it is a small city compared to Houston anyways. I even drove there, dropped the guys off at the football game and drove Casen and myself back to the hotel! Huge feat for me LOL!!! Next post to come is Casen's birthday pics!