Wednesday, December 28, 2011

OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!

10 years of build up in the master closet!

New and Improved!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After watching many TV shows over the holiday break we decided that we needed to go vertical with storage. We cleared everything out of the closet, 11 years of cramming stuff here. Added a shelf about 14 inches off of the floor, threw away some stuff, organized the remaining and tada look what you get!!! G'ma we promise to try and keep it like this!!!

One more peek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dexters First Christmas

Miao, Dan, & Dexter Christmas 2011 Dexters favorite place, Daddy's shoulder!!

Dexter playing with his new laptop!

So cute, love love love his BIG eyes!!

More laptop time, almost sitting up on his own!!!

Dexter, Dan, and Miao came to visit on Christmas Day! Clint put on the spread as usual. He made jumbalia, shrimp boil, seven-layer dip and many other yummy treats! Dexter got his very first cell phone and laptop. He has to keep up with the cousins, Jayden got a laptop and Miranda got a cell phone!!

Christmas 2011!!

Christmas 2011

Casen with remote control cars! Jayden with Nerf!!

Division champs T-Shirt!

What in the world????

It was a quiet Christmas. It all started with church at 5, Pappadeaux for dinner, home to open up 2 gifts and play Uno Attack! Then it was off to bed to wait for St. Nick!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Daniel Boone

I thought Neil Armstrong was cute! Daniel Boone was cute too!!!!

Casen had Wax Museum Open House!! He was Daniel Boone which was the perfect character for him to be, Casen would love to be a hunter, explorer, and pioneer like Boone was. He enjoyed reading and researching Daniel!!!!


Thanksgiving feast!!! Dexter chill'n on the floor!!!!

Grandma and Dexter hanging outside!

We have had company! Gma & Gpa have been visiting from Canada seeing lots of basketball games and Baby Dexter for the first time!!! Grandma and Grandpa have seen approximately 7 basketball games give or take and one baseball tourney, we have kept them very busy with their grandchildren. We just wished they lived closer so they could enjoy watching their grandchildren grow up and play sports!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

First Varsity Football Game

#27 Is Jayden!!!

National Anthem

Jayden dressed for the varsity CP playoff game!!! We lost 26-20, it was a great game. He didn't get in to play but we are OK with that.... not a high percentage of getting hurt standing on the sidelines! On anther note basketball has started. He made the VARSITY team!!! They have had two scrimmages thus far and he has had 14 points in each :) and is the leading rebounder! The first "real" game is Monday at CP, he fits right in with the varsity and loves playing some basketball. Casen has a baseball tourney this weekend and I hope to remember my camera to take championship pics!!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Casen at the Social

Casen had his first social at Mitchell. A social is a fundraiser for the Learning Communities to get money to spend on supplies and pizza parties for the kids etc. Some teacher is always taking pics during the social and I thought these were too cute not to post! Casen has had a fabulous first quarter of school this year all A's and B's and very happy!! I am very proud of him and thankful that I work in such a wonderful school!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Homecoming 2011!

Jayden and Peyton, this one you can see her beautiful dress.

This great group of kids got $10 t-shirts in lieu of mums!!!!!

Group of 34 kids, 17 couples!!!!!!
Jayden and Peyton!!!! The party bus that the HUGE group went in!!!!

It seems like only a few weeks ago that I did last years homecoming post. I cannot believe that a full year has already gone by. Jayden went with a LARGE group of friends. The group was quite a special group because...the entire group decided NOT to do a mum exchange this year. Instead they donated the $$ the parents would have spent on a mum to two charities. One being the ALS Association and the other was the Magnolia Fire Victims (those who lost everything) in the local wildfires. The whole group wore their t-shirts to school the day that you would normally wear the mum a stand up group of kids, very proud of Jayden and his friends!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Casen's 11th Birthday!!!

Casen feeding the ducks!!! Feeding the turtles!

Make a wish!!!

Happy 11th Birthday Casen!!

Casen celebrated his 11th Birthday on Labor Day, no school for him on his birthday!!! That afternoon he went to Game Stop and got a video game that he has wanted for a long time then walked to Starbucks and had a Carmel Frapacino. Later that day we ate dinner at Landrys Seafood House, Casen had his favorite Popcorn shrimp (adult platter!) We then came home and had a Baskin Robbins Oreo cake dessert, yummy!!! Happy Birthday Sunshine!!!

First Day of School & Dexter's Second Visit!

Dex came to visit Labor Day Weekend!!! SOOOOOO sleepy!!!!!

We love your BIG eyes and chubby cheeks!!

Jayden first day of school sophomore year!!!!

Oh and Tommy patiently waiting for cereal milk!!

Casen first day of fifth grade with me at Mitchell Intermediate!!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Dexters First Visit to TWL!!!

Jayden and Dexter!

Casen and Dexter!!!

The East Katy Holdens made their first trip to The Woodlands with little or maybe not so little Dexter!!! It was so nice to see the little guy and of course his mommy and daddy too!!! We had a nice Sunday afternoon eating grilled burgers, pasta salad, and Edwards Oreo Pie, love Edward!!! Thank you for coming East Katy Holdens, already looking forward to visiting with you guys again Labor Day weekend!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Two Cute Boys!!!!

Casen!!! Jayden!!!

Had to post these cute pics of the boys!!! I know that they are hot, red, and sweaty but I like these pictures anyways!

Misc. Disney/Orlando Pics

Jayden, Tyler, and Ty at Downtown Disney sporting their new hats!

Jayden and Casen at mini golf, next hole was in the cave behind them, Casen had a hole in 1!!

Our Daytona Beach setup!!! Pic was far away so I dared post it!! LOL

Legends Black after a game!