Friday, March 18, 2011

Zoo During Spring Break :(

Jayden ran into his girlfriend Peyton at the zoo. Casen found a nice shady spot!


Jayden had a Biology project assigned that is due right after spring break. The project was a 200 question scavenger hunt throughout the Houston Zoo along with pictures for documentation. The boys went to the zoo on Wednesday afternoon along with every other family in the Houston area that was on spring break! It was packed! Glad to report the questions and pictures are done and we don't have to think about it any longer! Right at the end of the zoo scavenger hunt Jayden ran into his girlfriend Peyton, who was there doing the same thing. Thought that I would share the picture of the two. So sad that spring break is almost over, oh well bring on summer vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Cubs off to a 2-0 Season!

Our little Cub off to his first baseball game of the season!

We know his glasses are not on yet, those are the very last thing before he leaves the house. I also know it has been forever since I blogged. Several batteries for the camera, hence no pictures, Clint's laptop bit the dust and that's what I liked using, and lack of time. I will try to do better this spring though. Casen is on the Majors Cubs at Orwall. Jayden is playing baseball at College Park High School, he made the Junior Varsity which is a big feat for a freshmen. They are off to a good season as well. Baseball is in full swing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spring Is Here and So Is Baseball

Everyone waiting for the ref to give the ball.
Jayden shooting a "three" and its good!!!!!!!!!!!!
Watching free throws!

Tough defense!!!!!!!!!!!
Top of the key!!!!!!!!!!!

College Park basketball season is over. The Cavaliers placed 2nd in District!!! Was a good season and we look forward to next year.