Sunday, September 11, 2011

Casen's 11th Birthday!!!

Casen feeding the ducks!!! Feeding the turtles!

Make a wish!!!

Happy 11th Birthday Casen!!

Casen celebrated his 11th Birthday on Labor Day, no school for him on his birthday!!! That afternoon he went to Game Stop and got a video game that he has wanted for a long time then walked to Starbucks and had a Carmel Frapacino. Later that day we ate dinner at Landrys Seafood House, Casen had his favorite Popcorn shrimp (adult platter!) We then came home and had a Baskin Robbins Oreo cake dessert, yummy!!! Happy Birthday Sunshine!!!

First Day of School & Dexter's Second Visit!

Dex came to visit Labor Day Weekend!!! SOOOOOO sleepy!!!!!

We love your BIG eyes and chubby cheeks!!

Jayden first day of school sophomore year!!!!

Oh and Tommy patiently waiting for cereal milk!!

Casen first day of fifth grade with me at Mitchell Intermediate!!!!