Wednesday, December 28, 2011

OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!

10 years of build up in the master closet!

New and Improved!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After watching many TV shows over the holiday break we decided that we needed to go vertical with storage. We cleared everything out of the closet, 11 years of cramming stuff here. Added a shelf about 14 inches off of the floor, threw away some stuff, organized the remaining and tada look what you get!!! G'ma we promise to try and keep it like this!!!

One more peek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dexters First Christmas

Miao, Dan, & Dexter Christmas 2011 Dexters favorite place, Daddy's shoulder!!

Dexter playing with his new laptop!

So cute, love love love his BIG eyes!!

More laptop time, almost sitting up on his own!!!

Dexter, Dan, and Miao came to visit on Christmas Day! Clint put on the spread as usual. He made jumbalia, shrimp boil, seven-layer dip and many other yummy treats! Dexter got his very first cell phone and laptop. He has to keep up with the cousins, Jayden got a laptop and Miranda got a cell phone!!

Christmas 2011!!

Christmas 2011

Casen with remote control cars! Jayden with Nerf!!

Division champs T-Shirt!

What in the world????

It was a quiet Christmas. It all started with church at 5, Pappadeaux for dinner, home to open up 2 gifts and play Uno Attack! Then it was off to bed to wait for St. Nick!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Daniel Boone

I thought Neil Armstrong was cute! Daniel Boone was cute too!!!!

Casen had Wax Museum Open House!! He was Daniel Boone which was the perfect character for him to be, Casen would love to be a hunter, explorer, and pioneer like Boone was. He enjoyed reading and researching Daniel!!!!


Thanksgiving feast!!! Dexter chill'n on the floor!!!!

Grandma and Dexter hanging outside!

We have had company! Gma & Gpa have been visiting from Canada seeing lots of basketball games and Baby Dexter for the first time!!! Grandma and Grandpa have seen approximately 7 basketball games give or take and one baseball tourney, we have kept them very busy with their grandchildren. We just wished they lived closer so they could enjoy watching their grandchildren grow up and play sports!