Saturday, December 18, 2010

Misc. & Money Wreath

Money wreath!
Fighting over the money wreath!
Trying to steal from the money wreath!

Grandma is a cat magnet!

Can you believe the money wreath, it is the BEST wreath EVER! It honestly is one of the neatest pieces of art that I have ever seen. So neat that I do not want to take any money off of it. The kids that I teach have been collecting money for the teachers gift and one of the moms made this wreath ,it has 100 $5.00 bills on it, the pictures just don't do it justice. That's such a neat neat idea!!! The last picture is grandma taking a catnap, and the kitties decided to join her aren't they all so CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Dan thinking " What am I going to eat tonight?" Sweet Mallory beginning to feel better after being sick most of the time :(

Pappasitos, for the young adults!!!!!!!!!!

Fried ice cream, yummy!!


FYI...there are many different posts cause I cannot figure out how to get more than 5 pics. on one post!! Oh well :)

Family Photo Op In The Lobby

Entire Holden clan!! Original Holden family!
CHol family!

SHol family!

Thank you to the teenage boy with ipod, ipad, and pants down to his knees for hanging out in the lobby and taking the family picture with 4 different cameras!!!

Non-Traditional Thanksgiving

Jayden hanging at the Great Wolf Lodge! More hanging out at GWL!!!!!!!!!!!!

The water park at GWL!!!
Holden boys and daddies at the waterpark!

Coming out of the water slide!
The Holden boys decided to have a get together over the Thanksgiving holiday. All parties met at the Great Wolf Lodge in Dallas. It was not a typical Thanksgiving with the turkey dinner but in a sense it was because it was with family, essentially what is usually missing during the holidays. There WAS football as all of the Holden guys went to the Cowboys vs. Saints football game while the girls sat at the water park!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Halloween 2010!

Pumpkin carving!

Character book parade at school!

Long time no blog, I will do my best to try and recap the month of October. Jayden has completed his freshman year of high school football being the quarterback all season and managing not to get injured!! God is good and answered our prayers!!! Basketball tryouts are tomorrow, and he can hardly wait to move onto another sport with another crew of good friends. Casen walked his last storybook parade of his elementary days, sigh. Since you cannot be anything scary he played the role of Adrian Peterson, and I might I add I think he pulled it off!!! Casens flag football season has also came to an end with the Steelers only losing one game all season long! Casen has a break until spring baseball begins in January (did I say spring???) The weather has cooled off and it we have been enjoying our new temperatures by playing outside, and going to the park and getting ready for basketball tryouts.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


The boys of the night!!! Jayden is in the back(tallest of course!) Closer up of the boys, aren't they cute!

Boys and girls of the night, yes WAY more girls!!!

Before he left, sorta blurry :(
Doesn't he look sharp?!?!?!

Jayden is at his first homecoming dance! He does not have a date he went with the massive group of dateless people above! He saved me from having to make a mum, (Texas) thing, you'll probably get to see one next year at this time. I can't imagine I could be this lucky two years in a row!! They went to a boys house took pictures, ate dinner (Olive Garden) Jaydens all-time favorite, off to the dance, and an after party after the dance. He is growing up toooo fast, where has the time gone???

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Football and Art class photos!

Gecko!!! Butterfly bush!

Football, Jayden is #3, some place out there!

Jayden in the middle kick off return!
This weekend Jayden had to take photos for art class. I love the pics that I posted above! I just hope that his teacher thinks they are as good as I do! A few football pics below, it is so hard to take action shots when we sit so far away from the action, these were the only 2 worth posting, the rest are blurry or way to far away!!! Homecoming next week!!!!

10 Years Old

Casen turns 10!!
Eating birthday dinner at a Hibachi restaurant, yummy!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Day of School

Shot of Casen and I as we are heading out the door at 7AM. My cutie pie!!!

My cutie pie, high school freshman!

Notice it is still pitch dark outside!

Well the first day of school is past us and the business of our lives resumes. The morning of the first day of school scenario:
6AM Jayden and Mom are up
6:30 AM Casen is up, Jayden eating breakfast
6:35 Jayden stands for a quick picture before running out the door at 6:40 AM!
6:45 Casen and I eat breakfast
7:00 Out the door to catch Casen's bus
I think its funny in the boys' pictures in Jaydens photo op it is completely dark out, and 30 minutes later in Casens picture the sun is up. It is crazy how early high school starts down here, I thank god it was not that early when I was going, I don't think I could have made myself get up that early! Oh and if you're wondering about pics of Clint or any mention of his scenario on the first day of school, he was long gone before any of us got up!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Summer Fun!!

Casen, Paul, Isaiah hanging out at the pool! Casen getting out of the pool.

Casen and bff Isaiah swimming in the deep end!
About to jump off!
So cute!!

Jayden and Casen have ONE WEEK left of summer vacation, however Clint and I are officially done with vacation. Teacher inservice begins Monday morning :( This past week Casen and I hit the pools everyday to get as much smell of chlorine, swimming, smell of sunscreen, and friend time as much as possible before the rigors of school begin! Jayden started football two-a-days this past week at 7AM so he stayed at home in the ac instead of going to the swimming holes!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Kenny Chesney - The Boys of Fall

This should get everyone in the mood for football!!! Two-a-day practices begin tomorrow for Jayden :(

Kenny Chesney - The Boys of Fall

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fun (cont.)

Orwall boys playing in the pool!
The pizza is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jayden and good friend Justin chowing down!
Sort of sad that Jr. High and this baseball season are history and we have the fear of high school and high school sports looming ahead of us!! Pray that all goes well :) Next up football camp August 2,3,4 and two-a-day football practices begin August 9th

Swimming Fun

Orwall Boys Baseball team having fun in the pool at the hotel after they lose to Silsbee. Casen is in on the action too!
Orwall Boys win District 28 Championship!
Pool fun at our house in Florida!

Some fun pics. of our baseball travels this summer. Swimming was a HUGE part of the fun! I loved the screened in pool at our house in Florida, didn't know if I would like it but I loved it. I think if we ever get a pool that would be a grand idea especially with all of the pine tree needles and the massive bugs that breed in Texas! Summer is winding down August is right around the corner, I am going to try to remember to bring the camera on our adventures the remainder of the summer!!