Sunday, January 10, 2010

Winter in Texas

Fountain at Guadalahara! Fountain at the Portofino!
Tommy in front of the warm fire place!

Texas does have more than two seasons! This is the first time since we have lived here in 9 years that I feel like it is winter! It has been a week of cold temperatures, three days of REALLY cold temps. and wind chills. It has been in the teens three nights in a row and not come above freezing during those three days either. If I see a mosquito buzzing around tomorrow, I'll be really intrigued how they survived three days of freezing weather. This is a winter that I can get used to, three/four days of cold weather/wind and then back in the 60's. Basketball update...Knox lost to McC in a close game on Thursday, there were several lead exchanges but we fell short in the end. Mr. Jayden had an off night only having 3 points, and foul trouble right from the start. We will play them again hopefully with a different outcome.