Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas 2008, before we go to church! Clint, Casen, and Dan relaxing before church.
Jayden, Dan, and Casen, if you look closely Jayden is taller than Dan!
Dan was the ultimate toy helper...batteries, on off switches, and putting stuff together!

Jayden and Casen after opening their presents!

We hope everyone is having a Merry Christmas! The Holden's had a very nice Christmas with good family, church, and food! Did I say food! After church we ate at Landry's and if you know me I am not a seafood fan, poor Clint loves it and we never seem to eat it:(. I had the BEST jumbo lump crab cakes ever. I am now a fan of Landry's Seafood House! Awesome! Hope everyone is enjoying Christmas Day, we are gearing up to eat sausage and chicken gumbo, play Rockband Wii, and watch any football/basketball game that Clint can find! Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Respectable Loss

Still cannot get over that it snowed last week!
Tommy in front of the cozy fireplace.
The Knights lost to McC in a good game, 38-26! If we would have made more of our freethrows and had a few more shots fall in it is a whole different ball game. It was exciting to watch, Jayden played a lot, great defense of course was 0/4 last night, they were all SO close but did not go in. Maybe next time, I'm sure these two teams will meet up again in a tourney.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Knox Victorious Again 58-38

Holdens' 2008, Merry Christmas!

Jayden #20 (green uniform) closest to the camera, look how big #22 is in the white jersey(6'5")

Jayden closest to the free throw line.

Dribbling in front of us!

More snow pictures, Jayden making a snow angel!

Jayden's basketball team had a nice win last night, once again 1/2. Not a big shooter but I will say the best defensive player on the team (I am not being biased!) They play again on Monday against McC. They are a huge powerhouse team, the biggest Jr. High School in the state of Texas, 2400 students in only 7th and 8th grades! This will be a true test of how good the Knights are or aren't!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Snow in The Woodlands, TX!

Snow piled up on Clint's car! Casen enjoying the new snowfall!

Jayden out after some accumulation!
In front of the snow covered shrub!

Seems more like Christmas with a snowy roof!

The Woodlands, TX had about an inch of snow yesterday! It started snowing on my way home from school and snowed steady until about 10:00 last night. Was sure a pretty sight, the first since we have lived here. The kids played in it until bedtime. Casen said it was one of the best days of his life. The snow had all melted when we woke up this morning. Jayden has a ball game tonight, hopefully I remember to take my camera into the game.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Knox Victorious

Jayden's basketball team won lost night 28-17! Jayden's vibes were right he did start, and got to play a lot. He was 1/2 in three point land and didn't have any other attempts. Was a low scoring game, not that much shooting went on by any of the players, lots of passing! Forgot to bring in the camera, hope to remember next Thursday. Casen has football tomorrow morning!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Christmas Decorating!

The boys decorating the tree the day after Thanksgiving.
Tommy sleeping in front of the firplace!

Buddy sleeping under the Christmas tree!

We had a busy day of decorating after Thanksgiving. It is evident that everyone in our home loves Christmas, including the cats! Basketball game on Thursday can hardly wait, until then have a good one!

New Born Deer Iceskating

Casen hanging on to Clint for dear life!
Casen had to use a walker, I don't think we have a future hockey star.

The boys at the rink.

Casen is NOT having a good time using the walker, he was ready to go home after 30 minutes!

Jayden started out shakey but did get better, poor Casen.
Thanksgiving vacation started out with a day at the ice rink. I had two Bambi's on my hand but one eventually did get better!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Football and Basketball

Casen found a little Christmas tree at the fields
Jayden is freezing!

Casen won the medal this week, sportsmanship!
Was a cold morning for football, the wind was raw. Casen's team lost 20-14 but Casen had all 14 points for his team. He caught a pass for a touchdown and he got an interception and ran all the way for a touchdown. Jayden made the "A" basketball team, now we are just waiting for the first game, December 4th. He is feeling really good about how he looks in practice, thinks he maybe a starter this year! I hope to take a lot of turkey day pictures and post over the holiday. Have a good one.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Nothing New

Doing homework, that's a rarity!
First day of school picture of Jayden, 8th Grade! Casen's 8th birthday!

No new news, put up some old shots that were in the camera. Jayden has made the basketball team, now we are waiting to hear if he is on the "A" or "B" Team. We find out today! Casen has another football game tomorrow. the weather is suppose to be in 30's tomorrow morning, sure will feel like football weather.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Basketball Team!

Sorry no post/pictures for a while. Jayden DID make the Knox basketball team and has his first practice today after school! Casen had a football game this weekend. His team won 12-0! Casen threw a 30 yard touchdown pass, and had a lot of pulls! Clint always says,"Too bad Casen can't throw to himself." He is the only one who can throw fairly far! Cool front is here, we are enjoying the nice weather.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Football Pics!

Casen looking at ants at the park.
Casen at his football game, he would not take out the mouthpiece.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Flag Football To Forget

This morning was a flag football game to forget, no excuses just not enough defense. We lost 25-20, VERY frustrating to watch. Beautiful fall day today, after the UT game we are going to the park to work on basketball drills. Jayden has tryouts this week, I love this time of year! Casen had the 24 hour stomach flu this week he missed 2 days of school, he has already missed more this year than all of last school year, I hope this is not a sign of the times to come. Computer is still not letting me upload pics, will do from school on Monday.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween and Football

Casen at his football game, I love all of the trees! Casen and Tanner in their costumes ready to go.
Swat and Swamp Monster are ready!
Swat protecting the house!
It was beautiful night in Houston for trick-or-treating, the weather couldn't get any better(minus the mosquitoes!) Casen went treating for 2 hours and has tons of candy. Jayden decided to help the neighbors with a haunted path in between two houses in lieu of trick-or-treating! Casen had a football game the next morning and once again did a fabulous job. The team lost 22-20, but Clint played everyone on offense and defense the same amount of time and the opposing coach did not. We'll get'em in playoffs.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

Pumpkin carving took place Wednesday night! Casen carved a scarey face and Jayden carved a bat! Trick or Treating tonight, Casen can hardly wait. Jayden wants to go but I think he has realized he might be too BIG, notice not too OLD!! Happy Halloween!!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fabulous Fall Weather

Jayden #10 Hands on the hips
Second from the end

The one in the front or top of the screen
Accidently deleated the blog when I added the pictures. Home computer is on the fritz, posting these at school. Hope no one I work with checks the blog!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Another Flag Football Victory!

Casen is in the back putting in his mouth piece Instructions from Clint

Casen waiting for the snap
Casen as safety.
It wan another beautiful morning for football 52 degrees and sunny! Casen's team won 20-13! Casen had another fabulous outing...reception for a touchdown, and an interception and a run back for a touchdown. Many great defensive plays too! He truly loves football.