Friday, October 31, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

Pumpkin carving took place Wednesday night! Casen carved a scarey face and Jayden carved a bat! Trick or Treating tonight, Casen can hardly wait. Jayden wants to go but I think he has realized he might be too BIG, notice not too OLD!! Happy Halloween!!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fabulous Fall Weather

Jayden #10 Hands on the hips
Second from the end

The one in the front or top of the screen
Accidently deleated the blog when I added the pictures. Home computer is on the fritz, posting these at school. Hope no one I work with checks the blog!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Another Flag Football Victory!

Casen is in the back putting in his mouth piece Instructions from Clint

Casen waiting for the snap
Casen as safety.
It wan another beautiful morning for football 52 degrees and sunny! Casen's team won 20-13! Casen had another fabulous outing...reception for a touchdown, and an interception and a run back for a touchdown. Many great defensive plays too! He truly loves football.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Knights Handed First Loss

Jayden #10 running in the play call.
G'Ma, Clint, Casen, and G'Pa watching the game!
The Knights were handed their first loss of the season, for the most part it was a close game 7-6. You could say the last 4 minutes of the game was comparable to the Texans vs. Colts game that was earlier this year, enough said! Cold Front is here suppose to be in the 40's the next two nights, we are looking forward to the cooler weather! Stay Warm

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Flag Football Begins!

A good shot of Casen and Coach Clint! Casen is the one in the back.
Casen at quarterback waiting for the ball.

It was a beautiful morning for Casen's first flag football game, 57 degrees and not a cloud in the sky! Casen had a great football debut! Two touchdown runs and a catch for an extra point. Jayden says after the game "You're SO fast in football why aren't you in baseball?" Casens reply, "No one is chasing me in baseball!" He had a blast and cannot wait until next Saturday. Jayden's football game this week was cancelled due to bad weather, hopefully the weather cooperates Tuesday, so grandma and grandpa can see him play before they head back to Canada. Game night tonight, I think a new version of Yahtzee with dice is in the works!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Holden Family Game Night!

G'ma and G'pa Holden drove all the way from Ontario to play dominoes with their grandchildren. Jayden and Grandma vs. Casen and Grandpa, wonder who will win? Grandma and Grandpa couldn't think of a better way to spend their 43rd Wedding Anniversary then family game night! Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Another Knox Victory!

The Knox Knights are 2-0! They defeated the largest Jr. High in the state of Texas, McCullough, 28-0. What an amazing feat considering last year this same team was 0-8, yes not ONE victory last year and already 2! Jayden did not have a touchdown, but did cause a fumble after a punt. Since he is the "long snapper" and nobody blocks a tall very skinney kid running up the middle he gets to the punt returner right when he catches the ball and the ball popped out. Here are some pics, he is #10.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008

Starting a blog adventure

This is going to be an attempt to help keep family and friends updated on the Houston Holden's. My goal is to post pictures and daily updates from the Holden boys fall football season. Jayden had his first touchdown on Tuesday as well as his first penalty! Yeah, he spiked the ball in the endzone after much excitement and was hammered with a 15 yard unsportsman like penalty, OUCH! It proved to be the winning touchdown as we won 20-14!