Saturday, October 18, 2008

Flag Football Begins!

A good shot of Casen and Coach Clint! Casen is the one in the back.
Casen at quarterback waiting for the ball.

It was a beautiful morning for Casen's first flag football game, 57 degrees and not a cloud in the sky! Casen had a great football debut! Two touchdown runs and a catch for an extra point. Jayden says after the game "You're SO fast in football why aren't you in baseball?" Casens reply, "No one is chasing me in baseball!" He had a blast and cannot wait until next Saturday. Jayden's football game this week was cancelled due to bad weather, hopefully the weather cooperates Tuesday, so grandma and grandpa can see him play before they head back to Canada. Game night tonight, I think a new version of Yahtzee with dice is in the works!

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