Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hello December!

2009 Christmas card picture!
Knox vs. Washington Jr. High, free throws!
Another free throw
Buddy loves the Christmas tree too!

Hello December! My favorite month, I love this holiday season, the music, cool weather, and all of the beautiful lights and decorations! Basketball season is in full swing the Knights are 2-1. Jayden is averaging about 10 points and rebounds/game. It has been a fun season, looking forward to more ball after Christmas. The Woodlands had a snowfall on December 4. It was beautiful but there was no accumulation on the ground to play in. It was during the school day and we took the kids out for recess and they caught huge snowflakes on their tongue, I'm sure it'll be the best recess/school memory for most of the kids. Patch therapy on Casen's eye is getting better. The first couple of times were horrible... nausea, dizziness, and headache. After the first time I gave Motrin an hour before the patch, now it is better and I don't have to give meds. don't know if the eye is strengthening or if he is used to it now. We go back to the Dr. at the end of the month for another check-up. One more week of school to go and we are on Christmas vacation, we can all hardly wait!

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