Saturday, July 3, 2010


Jayden, Uncle Mitchel, and Casen!! Kristi (my sister) and her hubby Mitchel!
Jayden, Casen, and Steph (Barb's daughter, brothers wife)!

Me, Jayden, Casen and my brother Kelly!

Jayden and Casen with grampa! Jayden, me, Mom, Dad, Kristi and Casen! Happy Fathers Day!!

Beautiful weather in Fargo, out for a stroll!
Casen and Jayden in "travel mode".

Headed to Fargo to see grampa in the rehab. unit before heading to Omaha for Slugfest 2010. Slugfest 2010 turned into a "washout", it rained EVERY DAY! Jayden's LB baseball team only played two baseball games the very first day that we were there. They clobbered both teams and were awarded second place. Another team gave up only 1 run as we gave up 3 total runs! The road trip to Fargo was a success, minus deer hunting in the Yukon on Day 1 of the 7 day adventure, no major damage just the front bumper and grill!! Loved seeing family, thank you all for coming to Fargo. Kory sorry we missed you ... and Barb you didn't get in any of the pics, boo :( We have all agreed that we will get together again sooner rather than later!! Hope to see everyone again SOON!

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