Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Day of School

Shot of Casen and I as we are heading out the door at 7AM. My cutie pie!!!

My cutie pie, high school freshman!

Notice it is still pitch dark outside!

Well the first day of school is past us and the business of our lives resumes. The morning of the first day of school scenario:
6AM Jayden and Mom are up
6:30 AM Casen is up, Jayden eating breakfast
6:35 Jayden stands for a quick picture before running out the door at 6:40 AM!
6:45 Casen and I eat breakfast
7:00 Out the door to catch Casen's bus
I think its funny in the boys' pictures in Jaydens photo op it is completely dark out, and 30 minutes later in Casens picture the sun is up. It is crazy how early high school starts down here, I thank god it was not that early when I was going, I don't think I could have made myself get up that early! Oh and if you're wondering about pics of Clint or any mention of his scenario on the first day of school, he was long gone before any of us got up!

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