Sunday, March 1, 2009

Rockhounds Win First Place!

Rockhounds 1st place! Jayden back center without a baseball cap.

A quick baseball update...Jayden's baseball team won first place this weekend! It was very exciting. We came back in the sixth inning to win both games on Sunday. I know I said that I was going to bring my camera and I did, it just didn't make it out of the counsel of the car. I was kicking myself for leaving it after they won the championship! Jayden played well, he loves being in the outfield, no more first base for him! Casen also has a little friend named Brice, he's the younger brother of another player on the team, love it when there is a sibling his age especially a boy. They were out in the woods, just past center field, I could see them through the fence. They were making a "hobo house" out of sticks and rocks, They also had furnishings in the house... an old grill and an old retired bicycle that they found in the woods! Another good time had by all. Next weekend grandma and grandpa with the dog (no more) are coming to visit and see some ball games, we can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Jayden and team!!! Everyone looks busy and happy!! Miss you guys and hope to catch up someday soon Jane! Love, JoAnn
