Saturday, September 25, 2010


The boys of the night!!! Jayden is in the back(tallest of course!) Closer up of the boys, aren't they cute!

Boys and girls of the night, yes WAY more girls!!!

Before he left, sorta blurry :(
Doesn't he look sharp?!?!?!

Jayden is at his first homecoming dance! He does not have a date he went with the massive group of dateless people above! He saved me from having to make a mum, (Texas) thing, you'll probably get to see one next year at this time. I can't imagine I could be this lucky two years in a row!! They went to a boys house took pictures, ate dinner (Olive Garden) Jaydens all-time favorite, off to the dance, and an after party after the dance. He is growing up toooo fast, where has the time gone???

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