Sunday, November 7, 2010


Halloween 2010!

Pumpkin carving!

Character book parade at school!

Long time no blog, I will do my best to try and recap the month of October. Jayden has completed his freshman year of high school football being the quarterback all season and managing not to get injured!! God is good and answered our prayers!!! Basketball tryouts are tomorrow, and he can hardly wait to move onto another sport with another crew of good friends. Casen walked his last storybook parade of his elementary days, sigh. Since you cannot be anything scary he played the role of Adrian Peterson, and I might I add I think he pulled it off!!! Casens flag football season has also came to an end with the Steelers only losing one game all season long! Casen has a break until spring baseball begins in January (did I say spring???) The weather has cooled off and it we have been enjoying our new temperatures by playing outside, and going to the park and getting ready for basketball tryouts.

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